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The connection between humidity and allergies

If you suffer from allergies and can't seem to get any relief you might want to start thinking in a new direction. Dust mites (along with carpet beetles) are household pests found in most typical homes in North America. While they are known to be able to survive in nearly any atmospheric climate, dust mites are attracted to moisture in the air and eat organic compounds. With this in mind, it is no wonder why our couches and our beds make the most perfect homes for these tiny creatures. If you have discovered the presence of dust mites in your furniture, you should know two things: you are not alone and they have probably always been there. While they are virtually harmless, certain people are or become allergic to the feces they produce during an infestation. These allergies can take the form of typical hay fever and even flue like symptoms and while not hazardous to your health, can certainly cause great discomfort to your every day life.

At any given point in time there are probably dust mites in your upholstery and under your floors. In small amounts it should not be an issue. Regular vacuuming, ventilation, and washing of sheets in hot water can keep their population at bay. The removal or depopulation of dust mites is standard, however much of the work requires a professional eye. UCM Cleaning Service's truck mounted steam cleaning machines are an excellent method for dust mite removal, not just from your carpets but from your upholstery and even mattresses as well. This, in combination with various insecticides, should solve your problem.

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E Jewell Ave, Denver, CO 80247 
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